Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This widget renders a Cartesian coordinate system and plots function graphs by connecting provided points. Coordinate system can be dragged and scaled. It is possible to render single points too.

This widget can receive GraphMsg messages:

The last message is used internally.

graph [[(1,2), (1,3)], [(0,0), (1,1)]]
graphWithColors [(red, [(1,2), (1,3)]), (blue, [(0,0), (1,1)])]
graphWithData [[graphPoint (0, 0), graphColor red]]

Re-exported modules


graph Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) 
=> [[(Double, Double)]]

The list with points.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created graph plotter.

Creates a graph plotter using the list with points.

graph_ Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) 
=> [[(Double, Double)]]

The list with points.

-> [GraphCfg s e]

The config options.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created graph plotter.

Creates a graph plotter using the list with points. Accepts config.

graphWithColors Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) 
=> [(Color, [(Double, Double)])]

The list with colors and points.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created graph plotter.

Creates a graph plotter using the list with colors and points.

graphWithColors_ Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) 
=> [(Color, [(Double, Double)])]

The list with colors and points.

-> [GraphCfg s e]

The config options.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created graph plotter.

Creates a graph plotter using the list with colors and points. Accepts config.

graphWithData Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) 
=> [[GraphData s e]]

The list with GraphData.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created graph plotter.

Creates a graph plotter using the list with GraphData.

graphWithData_ Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) 
=> [[GraphData s e]]

The list with GraphData.

-> [GraphCfg s e]

The config options.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created graph plotter.

Creates a graph plotter using the list with GraphData. Accepts config.