Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data GraphData s e Source #

Options for graph data:





Instances details
Monoid (GraphData s e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Graph.GraphData


mempty :: GraphData s e #

mappend :: GraphData s e -> GraphData s e -> GraphData s e #

mconcat :: [GraphData s e] -> GraphData s e #

Semigroup (GraphData s e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Graph.GraphData


(<>) :: GraphData s e -> GraphData s e -> GraphData s e #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (GraphData s e) -> GraphData s e #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> GraphData s e -> GraphData s e #

Default (GraphData s e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Graph.GraphData


def :: GraphData s e

graphPoint :: (Double, Double) -> GraphData s e Source #

Render single point.

graphPoints :: [(Double, Double)] -> GraphData s e Source #

Use multiple points.

graphColor :: Color -> GraphData s e Source #

Set the color (if this option is not used then the graph will not be rendered).

graphHoverColor :: Color -> GraphData s e Source #

Set the color of hovered point (if this option is not used then the color set by graphColor is used).

graphActiveColor :: Color -> GraphData s e Source #

Set the color of dragged point (if this option is not used then the color set by graphColor is used).

graphBorderColor :: Color -> GraphData s e Source #

Set the color of point border. The width of the border will be half the width set by graphWidth.

graphWidth :: Double -> GraphData s e Source #

Width of the line connecting provided points. If only single point is rendered then its radius will be twice the width.

graphRadius :: Double -> GraphData s e Source #

Radius of the provided points if they are rendered separately. The difference between graphWidth and graphRadius is that the former is given in pixels and renders the same when the scale changes while the latter is given in units of the Cartesian coordinate system and hence the points become bigger or smaller when the scale changes.

graphSeparate :: GraphData s e Source #

Do not connect the points and render them separately. Used when all points in the collection must have the same color.

graphSeparate_ :: Bool -> GraphData s e Source #

Whether the points should be rendered separately.

graphFill :: GraphData s e Source #

Fill the area surrounded by provided points with the color.

graphFill_ :: Bool -> GraphData s e Source #

Whether to fill the area surrounded by provided points.

graphFillAlpha :: Double -> GraphData s e Source #

Transparency level of the filled area.

graphDuration :: Millisecond -> GraphData s e Source #

How long the animation lasts in ms. Animation starts when graph data changes (for example, point positions or color).

graphOnFinished :: WidgetEvent e => e -> GraphData s e Source #

Raises an event when animation is complete.

graphOnFinishedReq :: WidgetRequest s e -> GraphData s e Source #

Generates a WidgetRequest when animation is complete.

graphOnChange :: WidgetEvent e => (Int -> (Double, Double) -> e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Raises an event when a point is dragged by passing its index and new coordinates. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnChangeReq :: (Int -> (Double, Double) -> WidgetRequest s e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Generates a WidgetRequest when a point is dragged by passing its index and new coordinates. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnEnter :: WidgetEvent e => (Int -> e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Raises an event when mouse enters point area by passing its index. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnEnterReq :: (Int -> WidgetRequest s e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Generates a WidgetRequest when mouse enters point area by passing its index. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnLeave :: WidgetEvent e => (Int -> e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Raises an event when mouse leaves point area by passing its index. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnLeaveReq :: (Int -> WidgetRequest s e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Generates a WidgetRequest when mouse leaves point area by passing its index. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnClick :: WidgetEvent e => (Int -> e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Raises an event when a point is clicked by passing its index. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.

graphOnClickReq :: (Int -> WidgetRequest s e) -> GraphData s e Source #

Generates a WidgetRequest when a point is clicked by passing its index. This option is ignored if graphSeparate is not enabled.