Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This is a slider with a label, which shows current value, and buttons to increase and decrease value.

enhancedSlider lens 0 100

Re-exported modules


enhancedSlider Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, SliderValue a) 
=> ALens' s a

The lens into the model.

-> a

Minimum value.

-> a

Maximum value.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created enhanced slider.

Creates an enhanced slider using the given lens, providing minimum and maximum values.

enhancedSlider_ Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, SliderValue a) 
=> ALens' s a

The lens into the model.

-> a

Minimum value.

-> a

Maximum value.

-> [EnhancedSliderCfg s e a]

The config options.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created enhanced slider.

Creates an enhanced slider using the given lens, providing minimum and maximum values. Accepts config.

enhancedSliderV Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, SliderValue a) 
=> a

The current value.

-> (a -> e)

The event to raise on change.

-> a

Minimum value.

-> a

Maximum value.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created enhanced slider.

Creates an enhanced slider using the given value and onChange event handler, providing minimum and maximum values.

enhancedSliderV_ Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, SliderValue a) 
=> a

The current value.

-> (a -> e)

The event to raise on change.

-> a

Minimum value.

-> a

Maximum value.

-> [EnhancedSliderCfg s e a]

The config options.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created enhanced slider.

Creates an enhanced slider using the given value and onChange event handler, providing minimum and maximum values. Accepts config.

enhancedSliderD_ Source #


:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, SliderValue a) 
=> WidgetData s a

The WidgetData to retrieve the value from.

-> a

Minimum value.

-> a

Maximum value.

-> [EnhancedSliderCfg s e a]

The config options.

-> [CompositeCfg a (EnhancedSliderEvent a) s e]

The composite config options.

-> WidgetNode s e

The created enhanced slider.

Creates an enhanced slider providing a WidgetData instance, minimum and maximum values and config.