Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This is a dragboard which uses checkerboard with draggable images or
colored fillers. It needs to be provided with number of rows and
columns, lens to the board state of type '[[a]]' (each square of the
board would thus contain a list of items '[a]' and show only the
first item) and the function which converts item a
to either color
of a filler or path to the image.
dragboard 3 3 boardState getPath
- module Monomer.Dragboard.DragboardCfg
- dragboard :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) => Int -> Int -> ALens' s [[a]] -> (a -> Either Text Color) -> WidgetNode s e
- dragboard_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) => Int -> Int -> ALens' s [[a]] -> (a -> Either Text Color) -> [DragboardCfg s e a] -> WidgetNode s e
- dragboardV :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) => Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> (([[a]], Int, Int) -> e) -> (a -> Either Text Color) -> WidgetNode s e
- dragboardV_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) => Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> (([[a]], Int, Int) -> e) -> (a -> Either Text Color) -> [DragboardCfg s e a] -> WidgetNode s e
- dragboardD_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) => Int -> Int -> WidgetData s [[a]] -> (a -> Either Text Color) -> [DragboardCfg s e a] -> [CompositeCfg (DragboardModel a) (DragboardEvent a) s e] -> WidgetNode s e
Re-exported modules
:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) | |
=> Int | Number of columns. |
-> Int | Number of rows. |
-> ALens' s [[a]] | The lens into the model. |
-> (a -> Either Text Color) | The path or color function. |
-> WidgetNode s e | The created dragboard. |
Creates a dragboard using the given lens, providing number of columns and rows and the function to get image path or color from the value.
:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) | |
=> Int | Number of columns. |
-> Int | Number of rows. |
-> ALens' s [[a]] | The lens into the model. |
-> (a -> Either Text Color) | The path or color function. |
-> [DragboardCfg s e a] | The config options. |
-> WidgetNode s e | The created dragboard. |
Creates a dragboard using the given lens, providing number of columns and rows and the function to get image path or color from the value. Accepts config.
:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) | |
=> Int | Number of columns. |
-> Int | Number of rows. |
-> [[a]] | The current board state. |
-> (([[a]], Int, Int) -> e) | The event to raise on change. |
-> (a -> Either Text Color) | The path or color function. |
-> WidgetNode s e | The created dragboard. |
Creates a dragboard using the given board state and onChange
handler, providing number of columns and rows and the function to
get image path or color from the value.
:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) | |
=> Int | Number of columns. |
-> Int | Number of rows. |
-> [[a]] | The current board state. |
-> (([[a]], Int, Int) -> e) | The event to raise on change. |
-> (a -> Either Text Color) | The path or color function. |
-> [DragboardCfg s e a] | The config options. |
-> WidgetNode s e | The created dragboard. |
Creates a dragboard using the given board state and onChange
handler, providing number of columns and rows and the function to
get image path or color from the value. Accepts config.
:: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e, Eq a, Typeable a) | |
=> Int | Number of columns. |
-> Int | Number of rows. |
-> WidgetData s [[a]] | The |
-> (a -> Either Text Color) | The path or color function. |
-> [DragboardCfg s e a] | The config options. |
-> [CompositeCfg (DragboardModel a) (DragboardEvent a) s e] | The composite config options. |
-> WidgetNode s e | The created dragboard. |
Creates a dragboard providing a WidgetData
instance, number of
columns and rows, the function to get image path or color from the
value and config.